The Independent Market Observer

A Look Back at the Markets in January and Ahead to February 2019

February 5, 2019

After a terrible fourth quarter in the financial markets, we had a sizable bounce in January. Markets were up significantly, both here in the U.S. and around the world, and sentiment seemed to change markedly from pessimism to a new optimism. The question going forward is whether things have really changed that much.

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Will News from the Fed Heat Up the Markets?

January 30, 2019

With the brutally cold weather locking down large parts of the country, the hope today is that the Fed will heat up the markets by both holding rates steady (as expected) and dialing back the liquidation of its balance sheet. Personally, I think investors should be careful what they wish for. If the Fed really does slow the quantitative tightening process, in conjunction with keeping rates steady, it could be a sign of an even colder economy ahead.

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What the Trade War Means to You

January 29, 2019

I found a really interesting chart in my e-mail this morning. I think its implications extend well beyond what it actually shows, and so I thought it worth sharing. The chart is below, but the full version and discussion can be found on

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What Can Consumer Confidence Tell Us About the Markets?

January 25, 2019

Yesterday, we talked about what consumer confidence might be telling us about the economy. It seems the current news is great—with confidence very high and up over the past year. But a closer look at the data showed that there are some real signs that the future might be considerably less cheerful than the current data would suggest.

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Is Consumer Confidence Signaling Danger Ahead?

January 24, 2019

As I’ve noted before on this blog, in many ways, the current economy is as good as it gets. It is bound to moderate or roll over—only to see things get even better. This scenario has been going on for some time now, to the point where I want to think about what could really signal a downturn. Could consumer confidence be one of those signals?

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The Global Economy: Go-Go, Slow-Go, or No-Go?

January 23, 2019

In a previous life, I was involved in real estate, including properties catering to the growing older population. Those properties were divided into three main categories: active adult communities, aimed at the vigorous, relatively young retirees; assisted living communities, aimed at those who wanted some extra help; and skilled nursing facilities, aimed at those who needed full-time care. Respectively, they were known in the industry as the go-gos, the slow-gos, and the no-gos.

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The Short-Term Effects of the Government Shutdown

January 18, 2019

I wrote about the big-picture effects of the government shutdown the other day, which are likely to be longer term. As it continues, though, the shorter-term effects continue to pile up. As such, it is time to take a look at what the shutdown means now and over the next month or so.

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Politics as Unusual: Brexit and the U.S. Government Shutdown

January 16, 2019

With the failure of the Brexit vote and the ongoing U.S. government shutdown, we find ourselves in a state of politics as unusual. Let’s take a closer look at each to see what I mean.

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The Brexit Vote: Should We Care?

January 15, 2019

Should we care about the Brexit vote? In a word, yes. What happens in the vote today matters to us as both U.S. citizens and, especially, investors. It will help determine what the future of the world economy looks like, and it could potentially shake up the global financial system.

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Looking at the Government Shutdown from an Economic Perspective

January 11, 2019

We’ve been talking all week about the economy, the markets, and the risks therein. But looking back on these posts, there seems to be a glaring hole: the government shutdown.

That absence wasn’t an accident. In the longer term, which is how investors should look at things, the current government shutdown very likely won’t matter. As such, it hasn’t warranted a discussion. The shutdown will last until it’s over. Then, we will move on, just as we have done with past shutdowns.

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