The Independent Market Observer

Tremors in the Housing Market

March 31, 2022

The housing market has shown exceptional strength after rebounding from the sharp but brief decline in the early months of the pandemic. Many factors have contributed to this—exceptionally low mortgage rates, aggressive stimulus, and the need for more housing as work and childcare were brought home. Now, all of these factors are diminishing while the cost of living is rising due to higher inflation. As a result, the housing market might be heading for a slowdown.

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Covid-19 Checkup

March 30, 2022

For the past couple of weeks, we’ve been talking about two things: the war in Ukraine (and its effects) and inflation and the Fed. These have very much been the hot topics, and deservedly so. But with a lull in the news on both, it’s time to check back in on Covid, which has not gone away.

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Will Inflation Remain High?

March 29, 2022

Last week, we looked at what inflation actually is—and where it is coming from. As we noted then, three categories (housing, transportation, and food and beverages) account for three-quarters of all spending. So, if we talk about inflation, this is really what we are talking about. As we also noted, those categories have grown faster since the start of 2021, especially transportation. But none of that tells us what will happen over the next year or so. To determine that, we need to take a closer look.

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Protecting Portfolios Against Inflation

March 25, 2022

Brad here. As we talk about inflation (and we will have more to say next week), the real question for us, as investors, is what we should do with our portfolios. No one is more qualified to answer that question than Pete Essele, who runs our Preferred Portfolio Services® Select asset management program. Here are his thoughts—have a great weekend!

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What Is Inflation . . . and Where Is It Going?

March 24, 2022

We’ve talked a lot about higher interest rates and what they mean for the market. But we haven’t really looked at what is driving those higher interest rates, which is inflation. Of course, you see the stats and the headlines, but as usual, there is very little context or explanation as to what those numbers mean. Today, I want to take a look at what inflation actually is.

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If the Yield Curve Inverts, Will Recession Follow?

March 23, 2022

Brad here. Yesterday, I laid out why I am not concerned, in general, about what a yield curve inversion means for the economy, while still being very aware of the increasing risks. Today, Anu Gaggar is taking a more detailed look at what inversions have historically meant for the markets. Although she too sees rising risks, she is also less concerned in the short term—so let’s hope we are right!

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Is a 2022 Recession on the Horizon?

March 22, 2022

One of the outcomes from the recent Fed meeting, where the Fed decided to raise rates for the first time in years, was a clear plan to continue to raise rates over the next year. Fed Chair Jerome Powell added fuel to the fire yesterday when he said that the Fed was willing to raise rates even faster than the meeting notes suggested. The Fed is now clearly focused on bringing inflation back down, even if it means slowing down the economy.

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What Should Interest Rates Be?

March 18, 2022

This week, we have been talking about interest rates and the Fed—and what that all likely means for our investments going forward. But behind those conversations is another more fundamental question: what should interest rates be? If there is some natural rate where interest rates should be, that could give us some guidance as to where they will end up. That is really what we should be looking for as we plan our portfolios over the long term.

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The Fed Raises Rates . . . and the Markets Go Up?

March 17, 2022

One of the things we know, mathematically, is that if interest rates go up, stocks should go down. If you consider a stock price as the discounted present value of a future earnings stream, then a higher discount rate results in a lower present value. There is no nuance or context; it is just math. So when rates are raised—and prospects for future raises are reinforced—and yet stocks move up, there is clearly something else going on.

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What’s Driving the Fed?

March 16, 2022

With the regular meeting of the Fed this week, there was a great deal of speculation about what it would do. As expected, the Fed pulled the trigger on a 25 bp interest rate hike. But what will happen next? What I expect from the statement, as well as the press conference, is that there will be similar hikes at every meeting for the rest of the year (data permitting) and that quantitative easing bond purchases will be wound down by the end of the year. In other words, I expect the Fed to follow up the rate hike with signals that it will continue normalizing policy, and I don’t expect that to be derailed by the Ukraine war.

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