The Independent Market Observer

How Close Is the Next Recession?

November 13, 2019

Yesterday, I discussed how the recent un-inversion of the yield curve suggests a recession is likely in the next year. So, I thought I would extend the same analysis to the other three indicators we follow here on the blog. Looking at one indicator is valuable, but we really need to evaluate all four to see if they align with one another—or not.

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What Does an Un-Inverted Yield Curve Mean?

November 12, 2019

Today, we are going to do some “inside-baseball” analysis around the recent changes in interest rates and what they mean. Normally, I try not to get too far into the weeds here on the blog. But interest rates and the yield curve have gotten a lot of attention, and the recent headlines are not actually all that helpful. So, put on your thinking caps because we’re going to get a bit technical.

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Don’t Invest Based on the Headlines

November 8, 2019

Last night, I spoke at a client event for one of our Commonwealth advisors. As usual, it was a great group—thoughtful, interested, full of great questions. And, of course, worried. Worried about politics, worried about the debt and deficit, and, most of all, worried about what all of this means for their kids.

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A Look Back at the Markets in October and Ahead to November 2019

November 5, 2019

September and October are historically the two weakest months of the year, and markets did enter October in a nervous state. September ended on a positive note, but there was a drop that continued into the start of October. That decline took away all of the gains from the prior month and threatened to take the markets even lower. This move would have made sense, as the economic news was weakening. But markets went on to rebound and have a very good month. That reversal is the story of last month and very possibly of this one.

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The Fed Does Trick or Treat

October 31, 2019

Yesterday, the Fed announced that it was cutting rates one more time, in response to continued economic weakness. That decision was the treat. Markets responded accordingly, with stock markets rising. The trick, however, was in the implication—of the statement and the press conference—that this would be the last cut unless the economy deteriorated further. The implied probability of a December rate cut dropped to 22 percent, the dollar index dropped, and the rate on the 10-year Treasury declined. The Fed giveth and the Fed taketh away.

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The Big Picture on the Economy

October 30, 2019

There is a lot of economic data coming out this week: consumer confidence, third-quarter economic growth, personal income and spending, the ISM Manufacturing number, the jobs report on Friday, and, of course, the Fed’s decision on interest rates (which, if you haven't heard, resulted in another quarter-point cut this afternoon). We will get a much better understanding of where we are by the end of the week, and we will talk about what all that data means.

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Is Another Stock Market Record Reason to Cheer?

October 29, 2019

Yesterday, the market—or at least the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq 100—hit new records. Again. But should we care? And do these most recent highs tell us anything about the future?

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The Trade War: Is the Damage Done?

October 25, 2019

One of the topics I get a lot of questions about when speaking to clients is the trade war. They want to know what I think and whether whatever they’ve read in the latest headline will make a big difference. It has been a remarkably consistent question, through all the ups and downs, and the only difference is what exactly the latest headline is. My answer has also been consistent. I think the trade war is a big deal, but the latest headline doesn’t really matter. Why? Because the damage has already been done. It will just take a while to show up.

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Will the GM Strike Take Down Job Growth?

October 24, 2019

Normally, I don’t make predictions about where any individual economic stat will come out. There is enough noise in the system, and enough variance in the data collection process, that any individual report's results can vary enormously—and it still won’t mean anything.

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The Power of We

October 22, 2019

WeWork has been one of the trending business topics in recent weeks. The collapse of its initial public offering, followed by the ouster of its CEO and founder, and now the drama over whether (and if) the company will be rescued have provided some compelling drama. It has played out more like a TV show than an actual company. Watch for the movie shortly, I expect.

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