This will be another short post from Commonwealth’s National Conference—short because I want to get back to some of the great informational sessions this afternoon.
A look at the sessions
I just finished my interview with Ben Bernanke, which I think went well and will summarize on the blog at some point in the next week. This morning, we heard from Frank Luntz, communications and political expert, and yesterday’s sessions featured David Gergen and Congressman Mick Mulvaney. It’s been a great couple of days of content, and now the more detailed breakout sessions are just starting.
I love these conferences—the chance to learn so much while at the same time hanging out with so many great people and friends. It’s an opportunity you simply don’t get often. The fact that all this is actually happening at work makes things even better!
I’ll be back next week
We will get away from Commonwealth commercials and back to our regularly scheduled programming next week. I sincerely hope that everyone who is not here has a great weekend—as I plan to.