The Independent Market Observer

9/20/13 – The First Question

September 20, 2013

You may have noticed a relatively new feature on the blog, “Ask Brad” (on the right side of the page). The first question that came in was a good one from Tim Bourdon, who wrote: “You mentioned that we are in better shape now than five years ago, but Europe is still in a much riskier position. If their market falls apart, are we strong enough to withstand that?”

This is a good question because it cuts to the core of how much risk has actually been reduced, post-financial crisis. The real danger, in 2008 and 2009, was that the financial markets around the world would seize up as banks refused to lend to each other. That would have led to a cascading series of defaults as banks, unable to get their money back from where they had lent it, would in turn be unable to pay their creditors. A downward spiral would result, bringing down the whole system. Europe was a key part of this, and it is this risk that I highlighted in my earlier post.

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