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Expressing Gratitude for the Good That Comes Our Way

Written by Brad McMillan, CFA®, CFP® | Nov 20, 2014 9:07:37 PM

I have two reasons for writing a post on gratitude today: The first is that I have much to be grateful for (I plan to write a longer post about this next week as we approach Thanksgiving), and the second is that I have been in meetings all day and am too short on time to finish the housing market post I had planned. You’ll get that tomorrow.

That being said, I’m very grateful for the people I work with. I just got a promotion here at Commonwealth, which is very nice and certainly something to be thankful for—and, believe me, I am. I also greatly appreciate the Commonwealth community’s response, including the many e-mails and calls of congratulation that I have received. This really is a special firm, and I am privileged to be here.

When I spoke to one of our advisors last night, he asked me if we—the staff—get the appreciation we deserve. I shared my own story, and I then noted that one of our Compliance employees, Scott Wilkinson, posted on Facebook yesterday that an advisor had sent him a small gift just for providing his usual (stellar) level of service. Scott is not the only one who has received this same type of recognition from advisors. It’s not unusual here, though I know that this isn’t always the case elsewhere.

I have written about this before, but it is worth restating how important it is to work with good people—in all areas. How important it is to be grateful for what one has. How important it is to realize how incredibly lucky one is to be alive today with the opportunities we enjoy now. And, how important it is to show our appreciation.

My job consists of figuring out, from a financial point of view, things to worry about and ways to make the future better than it is today. For many people in this industry, this pursuit can sometimes take our focus away from the present, not to mention the people around us. I have fallen into this trap in the past, and perhaps that’s why I now focus so much on being thankful for what I have, rather than worrying about what I do not.

I am grateful for what I do and where I do it. I am grateful for those I help and those who help me. I am grateful to be alive when and where I am.

I hope you are, too.