
The ABCDs of Fiduciary Responsibility for Plan Sponsors
Our complimentary article can help your clients understand the obligations they share with you when they sponsor employee retirement plans.

The ABCDs of Fiduciary Responsibility for Plan Sponsors

Helping your plan sponsor clients fully comprehend their fiduciary role is key to increasing plan participation and improving outcomes for all. Start building client knowledge with this free guide that outlines ERISA’s rules for fiduciaries. The guide reinforces the importance of: 

  • Providing consistent due diligence
  • Creating and keeping rigorous documentation
  • Ensuring that fees and services are appropriate
  • Avoiding transaction conflicts of interest 

You can send The ABCDs of Fiduciary Responsibility for Plan Sponsors to current clients as a conversation starter or to prospects as an introduction to your advisory services. 

Receive your free copy of The ABCDs of Fiduciary Responsibility for Plan Sponsors.